
Matters to be discussed

While our preparatory work continues, some questions emerge about a very important aspect of our action.
While it is clear our common objective, that is real Direct Democracy or a system where the people decisions or will is directly realized by executive public administrations, two main lines can be followed.

The first one, we can call it bottom-up, says our action shall be the one that spreads our ideas among the citizens until our Movement can win the majority in public Administrations like Towns and larger ones.

The second one, we can call it top-down, says we have to spread our ideas among the Citizens until we can modify the State Administration structure my means of a referendum.

I hope I have clearly identified the two positions, and invite comments on the above, so that this first question can be considered cleared.
Federico Tonini


Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,
as am example of the work we might do together, I put down here some ideas from DF about this matter.
We believe the most important part of our work must be education of citizens.
That means making citizens aware they hold already a strong political power : it only takes for them to understand the way the world turns and use such power directly in their own interest.

Therefore we follow a very simple way : we create small local groups with choosen people, we train them to speak in public, we explain the difference between representative and direct democracy...and all that it takes to spread these ideas around the circle of their relatives and friends.

There is of course a lot of additional matters to be discussed, like for example as we imagine the new system will be organized to run towns and larger areas up to the nation.
For such matters, however, we have time.

Now the word is to you, let me know your ideas and plans.
Also, if you agree with this way of working together, let me have e-mail addresses of your blogs, and I shall put them into the list of European Links.
My best regards
Federico Tonini

Anonymous said...

how will you deal with all these different opinions in a direct democracy system. How you will be able to extract a decision among them?